Grand Budapest Hotel's Story of Worker Solidarity

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grand Budapest Hotel's Story of Worker Solidarity(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Wes Anderson’s new film “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is a lovely paean to a lost era “but it’s also a subtle story of workers and worker solidarity,” writes DC Labor FilmFest Director Chris Garlock in a recent post on Working America’s Main Street blog. “Set mostly in the 1930′s in the fictional central European nation of Zubrowka, the film’s heroes are the concierge and lobby-boy at the Grand Budapest, a luxurious hotel where bejewelled and top-hatted Old European nobles — the 1% of the day — enjoy the finer things in life,” says Garlock. “As usual in Anderson’s films, the story, as convoluted and entertaining as it is, is less important than the quirky characters and intricately detailed sets on which the film plays out. After all the rushing about, what stands out this time is the sympathetic portrayal of the nobility of the work done by what today are simply called service workers.” Click here for the complete post
photo: Ralph Fiennes (right) as M. Gustav the concierge and Tony Revolori as Zero the Lobby Boy.


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