Meet the DC JWJ "Scrooge" Nominees

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Meet the DC JWJ (Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Nominees for DC Jobs with Justice’s 2013 Scrooge of the Year award are DC Mayor Vincent Gray, Metro CEO Richard Sarles, Restaurant Association CEO Kathy Hollinger, Tito Contractors and the entire corporate management at Giant and Safeway. Click here to vote and if you can’t decide, no problem, votes are $1 each – the contest is a fundraiser for DC JWJ -- so vote for as many as you like! Mayor Gray got the nod for "vetoing the Large Retailer Accountability Act and putting Walmart ahead of workers" and for "spearheading the privatization of our public transit"; Hollinger got it for "lobbying against decent wages and working conditions for restaurant workers"; Sarles  for "discriminatory background checks and policies against hiring returning citizens",  Tito Contractors for "repeatedly using immigration threats and intimidation to exploit workers" and management at Giant and Safeway for the nomination for "refusing to offer a fair contract".


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