Labor and Community Rally Tomorrow for "Real Food and Real Food Jobs" for DC

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Labor and Community Rally Tomorrow for (Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)“I love my job," says Jacqueline Stills, a food service worker at Howard University. "It’s like leaving home in the morning to come to another place called home. I tell students here, 'I look at you all as my children.' I see them every day and feed them breakfast and lunch.” Hundreds of union food service workers from UNITE HERE Local 23 – joined by community food activists and students –  will march tomorrow to demand “real food and real jobs” from DC-area food service companies and large institutions. “We really do feed DC. And we deserve to be respected for all we do,” said American University worker Anthony Randolph. “We Feed DC, We Are DC” will be the theme of the event, as workers and allies march and rally to call on other unionized food service providers to follow the lead of Bon Appétit Management Co., ("AU Workers Celebrate Landmark Victory," UC 1/31/2013) which provides dining services at American University (AU), in ensuring sustainable food jobs to DC workers and serving real food – fresh-cooked rather than processed, in DC cafeterias.  “Students here are like our family,” said Christine Hamlett-Williams, a cook with Bon Appétit at AU, “We want to use our experience, use our skills and give them great food, and this agreement lets us do that.” UNITE HERE Local 23, with 3,500 food workers in area universities, event venues, and government offices, is leading a movement to bring food workers together with anti-hunger and sustainability activists who want to make real food affordable and accessible to all DC residents. Tomorrow's event kicks off at 4:30p at the African American Civil War Memorial (U St and 10th NW). - photos: (above) food service workers and students button-up at George Washington University; (below) student and worker delegation visits Bon Appetit management at American University; photos courtesy Unite Here 23


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