Workers and Students Stand Together for Real Food, Real Jobs

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Workers and Students Stand Together for Real Food, Real Jobs(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Singing “Sustainability Forever,” over 120 cafeteria workers, students, faculty, and community members spoke out at American University (AU) last Thursday, saying “real food and real jobs go hand in hand.” A part of Unite Here 23’s Real Food Real Jobs campaign, the activists presented the DC Real Food Real Jobs pledge -- with over 1600 signatures -- to local management of Bon Appétit, who run the dining service on the campus. “I love my job, and I love my coworkers” Christine Hamlett-Williams (above at right), who has worked as a cashier at AU for 35 years, told the Bon Appétit manager at AU. “Sometimes I walk through the kitchen, and I see the cooks and how hard they’re working to get the fresh quality food out to the students. But we need respect, we need the time to do our jobs better.” AU student Caiden Elmer stood with Williams, reminding Bon Appétit that students "will stand with them [cafeteria workers] until they get the respect they deserve." Unite Here Local 23, which has Real Food Real Jobs campaigns bringing workers, students, and community members together at multiple campuses across the nation’s capital, say  that “as the new year approaches, American University workers – along with their student, faculty, and food movement allies – will continue working to add their voices to the creation of a sustainable future on campus and across the city." - photos: Williams (above right) speaks to Bon Appétit manager at AU in front of workers and students (above); students and workers march across AU campus in a show of solidarity (below); report/photos courtesy UNITE HERE 23


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