"Sleepful Protest" Targets Banks

Friday, April 13, 2012

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)“Sleepful Protests” sounds like another oxymoron, like “business ethics” or “bankrupt millionaire” but it’s actually a surprisingly-effective new tactic by the endlessly creative Occupy movement. Armed with nothing more than sleeping bags – donated in DC by the Utility Workers through the Metro Labor Council – occupiers from New York City to Philadelphia, DC, Tampa and Seattle “are camping out in front of Banks such as Wells Fargo and Bank of America to highlight their unethical business practices and the impacts they have on the working class,” says Matthew Kirkland. “These protests have been a huge success,” Kirkland adds. “Some pedestrians have been so impressed they have closed their accounts on the spot with us there in order to move their money to credit unions and local banks!” The Utility Workers’ Gary Ruffner says the labor movement “has a lot in common with the occupy movement,” noting that “throughout history unions have been the people’s lobby in Washington,” battling for the 40-hour workweek, vacations, healthcare, living wages and more benefits and protections for all workers. “Our fights for fair treatment of all working families identifies us with the 99% occupy movement much more than the 1% that’s trying to take more and more away from our working families,” Ruffner added. Note: The separate Occupy encampments in Washington will merge into a single Occupy DC located in McPherson Square this weekend; click here for the full report in DC Mic Check, DC Occupy’s publication. - photo of sleepful protest by DC Mic Check's Coulter Loeb


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