Demo Demands Rights for Mexican Workers

Friday, February 24, 2012

Demo Demands Rights for Mexican Workers(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)“Escucha! Escucha! Estamos en la lucha!” chanted protesters in front of the Mexican Embassy yesterday. The noontime rally -- organized by the AFL-CIO -- was part of the Global Days of Action in solidarity with workers of Mexico and against the Mexican government’s continued refusal to respect workers’ rights to organize independent unions in that country. More than 50,000 activists participated in the 2011 Days of Action events – including in Washington – and Metro Council President Jos Williams told those who gathered yesterday that “We’re here a year later to reiterate our commitment to be back year after year until justice is done.” Williams delivered a letter from AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka to Mexican President Calderon to a representative of the embassy as members of AFGE, AFSCME, AFT, the Solidarity Center, and the AFL-CIO among others looked on. Click here to read Trumka’s letter. - photo by Julia Kann


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