Employment Justice Center Battles for Local Workers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Employment Justice Center Battles for Local Workers(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)As tough as last year was for local workers, it would have been far worse without the efforts of the Employment Justice Center (EJC). The EJC secured almost $700,000 in back pay and damages on behalf low-wage workers in the D.C. metro area, educated almost 500 workers about their rights and responsibilities on the job, conducted over 1,300 intakes at its Workers' Rights Clinic and launched DC's first Carrotmob to reward businesses for their socially responsible practices. In 2010 the EJC also celebrated its 10th anniversary and honored a record 33 people, organizations, firms, and unions for their outstanding work in 2010 and over the past 10 years. Click here to see full details in the EJC’s 2010 Annual Impact Report.


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