Nall Wins Quote Contest

Monday, March 7, 2005

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Clayton Nall is this week’s Quote Contest winner, correctly identifying John Dewey as the source of the quote: “No system has ever existed which did not in some form involve the exploitation of some human beings for the advantage of others.” Other nominees were Terrence Powderly and Samuel Gompers. Honorable mentions to Scott Wilson, Edward Stern, KC Clifford, Michael Noah Biskar, Solange Bitol (who reports that "John Dewey -- 1859-1952 -- was a member of New York's first teaching union and held AFT card number one.  Dewey is considered to be one of the preeminent voices in American educational philosophy, and although he did not coin the phrase, he is considered to be the founding voice of ‘progressive education.’), Brendan Danaher, Chuck Clay, Michael Sprinker (who notes that "A nice link to a site which covers quite a bit of Dewey’s work and also his timeline can be found here and more; also here), Loretta Kane, Alan Freeman, Jackie Bigham & Grace Cunningham.


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