G'Town Okays Limited Card Check

Monday, March 6, 2006

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)


Although Georgetown University has told a university subcontractor that it can adopt the card check union recognition process, student activists are pushing for a blanket card check neutrality policy for all university workers. Georgetown students of the Living Wage Coalition (LWC) met with administrators last Wednesday to discuss worker and student demands for a blanket card check neutrality policy and full implementation of the Just Employment Policy. Georgetown reported that it has sent a letter to P&R Enterprises -- a subcontractor employing 35 Georgetown janitors, most of whom have signed union cards – saying that Georgetown is neutral on card check neutrality and would allow all Georgetown subcontractors to adopt the card check union recognition process if they choose. Georgetown President John DeGioia is convening a task force with senior officials to address the LWC's demand for a blanket card check neutrality policy, and plans to reach a decision by the fall. However, the LWC says the fall deadline is unacceptable and is demanding that the task force include student representation, meet throughout the next 12 days, and come to a decision immediately.  And while Georgetown has made progress towards full implementation of the Just Employment policy, the LWC says campus workers are still not making a living wage and are frustrated that it took the administration more than six months to disclose worker wage information. The LWC has set March 14 as the deadline for Georgetown to meet their demands.

- reported by Emil Totonchi


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