After Long Struggle, Downtown SAMs Finally Achieve First Contract

Monday, July 29, 2013

After Long Struggle, Downtown SAMs Finally Achieve First Contract(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

After four long years, Downtown SAMs finally have a union. The Downtown SAMs -- short for safety, hospitality, and maintenance employees -- ratified their contract earlier this month, and are now full members of the National Federation of Federal Employees. Under the new contract, Downtown SAMs, who are employed by the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID), will receive general wage increases ranging from 6.5% to more than 10% over the course of the three-year agreement. Employees will also begin receiving a $75/month transportation subsidy. In addition to the financial benefits, workers will also see 3.25 additional days of sick leave while longtime BID employees will receive an extra week of vacation leave. Finally, employees will have the protection of a just cause provision, ushering in a new era of employee rights at the Downtown BID, which began when the workers first organized in July 2009. “It was a long struggle,” NFFE National Business Representative Roosevelt Littlejohn Jr. told Union City. “We are so proud that the workers stuck it out and got the union contract they deserve.” Littlejohn extended “Special thanks to all those brave SAMs who worked so hard, including Jennings (JR) Brown, Chester Fenton, Ethel Frye, David Hall, Ronald Lloyd, Jesse Marlow, Darrell Stone, John Wright and the late Earl Garner. Thanks also to IAM Associate General Counsel Bill Haller, and the dedicated men and women of the Metropolitan Washington Council, especially Jos Williams, Chris Garlock, and Alya Solomon.” 
- Cory Bythrow, NFFE 


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