Labor Quiz: Minimum Wage

Monday, April 22, 2013

Labor Quiz: Minimum Wage(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)The U.S. minimum wage today is $7.25 per hour, where it’s been stuck since 2009. In what year did the minimum become $1 per hour? Click here and you could be next week's winner of a labor music CD! - photo: activists picket for an increased minimum wage in DC and paid sick days for DC restaurant workers; photo courtesy Paid Sick Days for All

Last Week's Quiz: Congratulations to Henry Plimack, Melvin E. Greer and Nathan Lalum, who wrote to say that none of the offered answers to last week’s quiz question were correct (and they were right!); up until 343 firefighters died in the 2001 WTC attack, the most firefighters to die during a single incident was… 78, who died in the Great Fire of 1910, a forest fire in Washington, Idaho and Montana.


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