Continuing Resolution, Continuing Struggle

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Continuing Resolution, Continuing Struggle(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Calling the continuing resolution on the budget passed by Congress “a mixed blessing,” AFGE reports that “While it prevents a government shutdown, it leaves most agencies without the funding they need to hire, train and retain new workers; to invest in new research or programs that would benefit Americans.” It also continues the pay freeze while federal workers are faced with reduced income due to furloughs. “Further, the continuing resolution does nothing to end the massive, across-the-board budget cuts known as sequestration,” said AFGE President J. David Cox. “Agencies are still on the hook for more than $1 trillion in reckless and draconian spending cuts over 10 years unless Congress repeals sequestration.” AFSCME Council 26 Executive Director Carl Goldman reports that AFSCME plans to mount a grassroots campaign to show the public how sequestration will impact millions of Americans. “An educated public will help as we continue to press Congress for the permanent repeal of sequestration,” says Goldman. “AFSCME will also continue to press for increased taxes on Wall Street and corporations instead of cutbacks in needed federal programs and furloughs for federal employees.” Click here to hear Rep. John Sarbanes warn of sequestration's long-term consequences on AFGE’s "Inside Government" radio show. Photo: at the 3/20 “Repeal Sequestration” demo at the DOL; photo by Chris Garlock


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