Union Voice/Readers Write: Sign of the Times

Monday, February 25, 2013

Union Voice/Readers Write: Sign of the Times(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Kevin Carroll, a 5th year apprentice at IBEW Local 26 and COPE volunteer, sent this pro-labor 1956 GOP poster to the IBEW’s Jerry Lozupone. “My, have times and things changed,” says Lozupone, who’s the former Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Washington Building & Construction Trades Council. “Notice that at the very bottom, there is a printers bug, indicating this poster was printed in a union shop.” Lozupone suggests that “If you are an elected Republican or a Democrat – or know someone who is – show this to them and let them know how our country fared as a whole, when the middle class and union membership was a strong significant part of our society.”


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