Salvadoran Unionist Speaks on Battle Against Privatization

Monday, February 4, 2013

Salvadoran Unionist Speaks on Battle Against Privatization(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Jaime Rivera from the Electrical Sector Workers Union and the Federation of Public Sector Workers of El Salvador speaks at noon today at the AFL-CIO about the fight of public sector workers in El Salvador against privatization and the disastrous costs for workers and the general public. After nearly a decade of successful union organizing to stop privatization in El Salvador, the US State Department is heavily pressuring the Salvadoran government to adopt a “Public-Private Partnerships” Law that would sell off critical public services –including the ports, airports, municipal and government services, higher education and more –to transnational corporations through 40-year concessions with no guarantees for workers’ rights. Rivera also speaks tomorrow night at St Stephen’s Church. Photo: CISPES


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