Labor Quiz: What's a "Scab herder"?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Labor Quiz: What's a (Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)A “scab herder” is: a non-union sheep-herder, someone who accompanies scabs into a struck workplace, or a disgusting personal habit? Click here and you could be next week’s winner!

Last Week’s Quiz: Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Cabinet was known as Ike's "Nine Millionaires and a Plumber" Cabinet because it included former Plumber’s Union President Martin Patrick Durkin, who had the shortest tenure of any U.S. Labor Secretary, serving less than eight months. Durkin had also previously served as Director of Labor for the State of Illinois, where he worked closely with then-U.S. Labor Secretary Frances Perkins. He also was a Democrat serving in a Republican administration, and pushed for revisions in the Taft-Hartley Act without success, which led to his resignation. He died two years after leaving office. (excerpted from the US Dept of Labor News Brief newsletter) Congrats to long-time union lawyer Jules Bernstein from Washington, DC, this week’s quiz winner!


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