Win or Work for Free FilmFest T-Shirts & Tix

Monday, September 24, 2012

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)“Film is an amazing medium to move people” writes Kayla Mock of UFCW 400 in our DC Labor FilmFest “Favorite Things” survey. Mock likes the chance to see films about workers “that I can pass along to fellow workers and labor activists” and uses these films “to inspire myself and them to keep up the good fight.” Today’s the last day to share your FilmFest favorite things and be entered to win a Filmfest T-shirt or free tickets to film screenings. Plus, fans of the FilmFest can now get involved as volunteer ushers. Volunteer ushers get into the screening they usher for free, and get a free DC Labor FilmFest shirt. Some films are already full, so sign up fast by clicking here.


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