American Rights at Work & Jobs with Justice to Merge

Monday, June 25, 2012

American Rights at Work & Jobs with Justice to Merge(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Saying that “By combining forces, we will broaden and deepen our reach and impact to achieve what we all care so deeply about,” American Rights at Work and Jobs with Justice are merging into “one organization united by a common mission to advance workers’ rights and social and economic justice.” American Rights at Work will continue serving as an “independent and credible resource on labor law reform and organizing and bargaining rights through the production and release of strategic research, and timely rapid response and critical public education work” while Jobs with Justice “will continue partnering with community, faith, and student organizations to build a broader global progressive movement for economic and social justice through solidarity, mobilization, strategic campaigns and, of course, direct action,” said Sarita Gupta, who will lead the new entity, which has yet to be officially named. “We’re excited about the merger,” says DC JWJ Executive Director Nikki Daruwala, “it will strengthen and solidify our campaign capacity on a local level." - photo: DC JwJ staff and board members at their "I'll Be There" Awards; photo by Julia Kann


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